Saturday, November 30, 2019

Twelfth night Act 1 Scene 5 Essay Example For Students

Twelfth night Act 1 Scene 5 Essay In act 1 scene 5 we first learn about Violas behaviour from Sir.Toby. He enters the room half drunk after delaying Viola. He then proceeds to tell Olivia that he thinks Viola is a lecher, I defy lechery. Theres one at the gate. Viola doesnt pay much attention to this description as she thinks that her cousin is too drunk to know what he saying. Malvolio enters the room next after Olivia had sent him to the gate to try and get rid of Viola. He returns saying that Viola will stand at your door likes a sheriffs post but hell speak with you . Malvolio gives a damning report saying that viola is as a squash tis before a peascod, or a codling when tis almost an apple One would think his mothers milk were scarce out of him. When Olivia decides to meet Viola Malvolio doesnt question her decision although he disagrees with it. We will write a custom essay on Twelfth night Act 1 Scene 5 specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now When Viola first speaks to Olivia she asks The honurable lady of the house, which is she?. Olivia seems to be insulted by this as she then refuses to confirm that she is the lady. She then complains about him being saucy at my gate. Olivia refuses to listen to the praise which Viola starts to recite from her speech. She says Come to what is important int. I forgive you the praise.. This shows that Olivia is not intrested with what Viola has to say as she wishes to hurry her up. Once Maria and the attendants leave the room Olivia starts to warm to Viola. Viola asks Good madam, let me see your face. Olivia does this even though this goes against her grieving for her brother. From this point on she starts to respond to his flattery, O, sir, I will not be so hard-hearted. I will give out divers schedules of my beauty. When she starts to do this Viola has to start creating her own things to say to Olivia rather than just remembering the speech she had learnt from Count Orsino. Olivia regretfully says that she cannot love Orsino but Viola cant understand why. Olivia asks her why,what would you do? in a very impersonal manner. Viola says that she would camp on Olivias doorstep until she accepted. This also was not written into her prepared speech so it shows that Viola is poetic. Viola turns down the money that Olivia trys to give her as she feels that my master, not myself, lacks recompense. When Viola leaves Olivia declares that she had found Viola attractive, Methinks I feel the youths perfections. Acting on this, and going against her seven years of not seeing another man, she sends for Malvolio and gets him to take a ring to Viola so that she returns with it the next day. From this meeting we find out that Violais a good poet. Using this skill she can persuade people to do what she wants e.g. managing to make Olivia reveal her face. She also is very moral as when she was offered money she turned it down as she didnt deserve it. She also delivered the message to Olivia from Orsino even though she is attracted to Orsino herself.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

American History X - Nurturing Hate essays

American History X - Nurturing Hate essays Derek Vinyard, the central character in the movie American History X, is a naturally violent person whose upbringing and environment have increased his tendency to be violent. All people, by nature, are violent, but the degree to which they express their violence is determined by outside factors such as their surroundings, family dynamics, and the things they were taught while growing up.How I interpret [a] situation will determine my readiness to strike back in hostility. . . or to simply smile and accept an apology? (May 184). All people have different interpretations of similar situations and the determining factor of how they react in these situations is dependent on previous influences in their lives, as we can see with Derek, who's reactions to certain circumstances are that of a person who has been blinded to act a specific way towards people unlike himself. We can see the effect of an authority figure on Derek through a drastic change in his attitude towards black people. During the flashback where Derek, his father, and the rest of the family are at dinner, Derek is trying to defend Dr. Sweeney and the black literature course he teaches while his father gets more and more violent with his words about how he feels towards black people and their culture. In this time of Derek's life he is still very young and easily influenced, especially since he looks up to and respects his father very much. If the events are followed chronologically, the next scene is that of Derek talking with a reporter after his father was shot by black gang members. Here, Derek is a completely different character than the one we saw at the dinner table. His whole attitude towards black people has changed because he has accepted what his father said as true and is now expressing the emotions that come with feelings of hate. From this point on, we see Derek's hate for black people grows not on its own, but with the nurture of Cameron.[Cameron] [is] a vil...

Friday, November 22, 2019

An Issue Of Bone Marrow Donors

An Issue Of Bone Marrow Donors Thousands upon thousands of people living all around the world are searching for a bone marrow donor this very second. Finding a donor with a genetic match is crucial, and will make the difference between life and death for the patients in need. Finding a donor that has bone marrow with the right genetic components as the patient is not an easy task. It is very hard to find a person with a match because there are not many people willing to become a donor. There is a huge controversial debate on whether bone marrow donors should be compensated. As of 2014, unfortunately, it is still illegal for a bone marrow donor to be compensated. Bone marrow donors should undoubtedly be compensated because the number of donors will increase astoundingly, bone marrow does grow back in one’s lifetime and is not like an organ that doesn’t return, and this positive initiative will save a tremendous amount of lives. The number one concern of everyone involved should be about the patient re ceiving the right match for a bone marrow transplant, and surviving, not about how it is considered â€Å"unethical.† While finding a perfect match for a donor isn’t easy in 2014, within the next ten years, hopefully our federal government will see that compensating bone marrow donors isn’t harmful to anyone involved and will save many lives. Compensating bone marrow, by providing scholarships that are completely from charity donations, will be a low-cost solution to make more people interested in becoming a donor. This will immensely increase the number of matches for each patient, because there will be many more donors to choose from. It also must be stressed that charity donations will strictly provide these scholarships, not the patient, or the patient’s family. That would be a financial burden to the entire family, which is not something the family should have to worry about, as well as all of the medical concerns. These compensations would not depend on the financial income of the family, â€Å"†¦so there is no danger that the incentives will â€Å"aid† only the rich† (Rowes 2011). The number of donors will multiply when people interested in becoming a donor see that there is a positive incentive involved. It is illegal to compensate both organ donors and bone marrow donors, but the two have a characteristic that is completely different from one another. When a person donates their organ, it does not grow back. It is gone forever. When a person donates bone marrow, it will eventually grow back again in time. It is perfectly legal for egg, sperm, and blood donors to be paid for their donations. Many people think of bone marrow and think of it as something huge, while it is just blood cells that are just immature. Why is it legal to compensate blood donors, but not bone marrow donors? The procedures used for both blood donations and bone marrow donations are very similar. Bone marrow donors should be treated like egg, blood, and sperm donors. Each of those types of donations will save or create new lives, and the donor will either already have, or gain more of what they donated (sperm, blood, egg, and bone marrow) quickly after the procedure. Many people argue that bone marrow donors shouldn’t be compensated because of its unethicality. Whether or not it is ethical, or right or wrong, shouldn’t stop anyone from seeing how much compensation could really make the difference between life and death for almost all patients. While people may want to donate for the wrong reasons, compensating donors will increase the amount of donors, which is ultimately the most important thing. It is also argued that unethicality of compensation, will raise safety concerns for the patients receiving the transplant and that â€Å"†¦the promise of compensation may cause the donor to be less forthcoming, placing either the patient or the donor at unnecessary risk† (Petersdorf 2011). This means that a person with certain diseases may apply to be a donor and apply for the money aspect, while keeping some of their medical history hidden, putting themselves and the patient in danger. A way that this can be avoided is by maki ng every donor that is applying to provide his or her own complete, official medical records, while also making it mandatory for them to take screenings for certain diseases, and receiving any immunizations, if necessary. This will eliminate any uncertainties concerning safety of compensating donors. By offering compensation to bone marrow donors, and requiring medical screenings and records for those who apply, thousands more lives will be saved every single day safely. Offering compensating to bone marrow donors is the best option to get more people interested in becoming a donor, which will then drastically increase the number of lives that are saved. The donor pool will become much larger so it will be much easier for patients to find the right genetic match. The cells of bone marrow grow back very soon after the donation is given, just like sperm, eggs, and blood do, which is why it should be legal for a bone marrow donor to also be compensated. A bone marrow donation should not be treated like an organ donation because they are very different from one another. An organ will not grow back. Bone marrow is renewable. Bone marrow donors should be rewarded with small scholarships because it will increase the number of donors, it is very similar to donating blood, which is legal to be compensated, and it will make the difference between life and death for most patients. Patients right now are searching for their perfect bone marrow match within the l imited pool of donors, in what may be their last years, months, days, minutes, or even seconds of their lives. This devastating fact can be changed forever, if we allow compensation to bone marrow donors. It can make all the difference. Lets give these patients the life they deserve, and help them live for many years ahead.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Public Relations and Tourism in Lebanon Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Public Relations and Tourism in Lebanon - Thesis Example The intention of this study is an international tourism is one of the most important sectors in the world today as expenditure on tourist goods and services represent some 8% of total world export receipts and 5% of world GDP while the Arab world attracts only 3% of international tourist arrivals and receipts. Most countries that specialize in the tourism sector have made good economic progress. The progress is largely dependent on how the destination has been marketed. Public relations play a vital role in constructing images of a location and the activities that the location offers. This has become important as tourism today has been categorized as adventure tourism, conference tourism, eco tourism, health tourism, spa tourism, event tourism, religious tourism or cultural tourism. Lebanon as a destination has much to offer to tourists. It has a diverse patchwork of Mediterranean-lapped coast, rugged alpine peaks, and green fertile valleys over an area of 225 km. long and 46km wide. The Lebanese coast has the Mediterranean Sea to the west and the Mount Lebanon Range to the east. Apart from these it offers multi-sport adventure and archaeological wonders but tourism has been adversely affected in the last decade for various reasons. Much of these has been attributed to the image that been created by the media. Hazbun contends that of late Lebanon has been proactive in promoting tourism. The author suggests that Beirut’s urban redevelopment efforts will not be able to attract the western tourists as Lebanon carries an external negative image, is gripped by fears of regional instability and attracts high prices.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

International Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

International Marketing - Essay Example The emphasis of this discussion focuses on how leadership and organizational structure can help companies become more effective at international business affairs. In order for a company to succeed it must develop its human capital and have managerial team that is able to lead the organization to achieve greater things. If the leaders of a company do not prepare the organization for expansion the possibility of international business activity are non-existent. Going global does not occur overnight, there is preparation that must take place within the organization and in its corporate culture. Corporate culture can be defined as a system of shared actions, values, and beliefs that develops within an organization and guides the behavior of its members (Shermerhorn, Osborn, Hunt, 2003). The leaders of the company have to instill confidence and change the mindset of the employee so that fear of failure is not constraint that inhibits international expansion plans. There are different leadership styles that can help a manager become the type of leader that lead a company and its employees towards international business proliferation. The person in a corporation that has control over the strategic path of an organization is its chief executive officer (CEO). This individual is responsible for the financial performance of the company and has power to change the organization, while at the same time the CEO must motivate and inspire the staff of the firm. Among the leadership styles that could be used to lead a global organization are situational leadership, charismatic leadership, and transformational leadership. A situational leadership application is Fielder’s contingency theory. Fielder’s contingency theory stipulates that the leader’s style adapt and become appropriate to the situation based on three factors: leader-member relations, task structure, and position power

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Frankestein and his creature Evil Essay Example for Free

Frankestein and his creature Evil Essay He ate the berries and other small fruits that he found in the woods. He is good at this stage because He has seen how He was upsetting the family when He was eating their food; He realised this and started to chop wood to repay the family. He is aspiring to be like the family, He wishes to be friends with them and have friends of His own. There are a series of events, which leads up to the creature becoming resentful and violent. He first saw His reflection in a pond; His gaze laid eyes upon His ugly, repulsive reflection. He could not believe that His creator had made Him this ugly. When He saw the blind Grandfather alone one day, He decided He would approach Him because He thought the Grandfather would be more understanding as he was old and more wise. This was so but when the old mans daughter in law and Granddaughter returned, they screamed at the sight and the son came rushing home. The son thought the creature was attacking his father and so the son attacked the creature. The creature ran away and did not respond with violence. The creature did not lash out because He thought that if He did it would ruin any chance of becoming friends with the family. Later on in the week he over heard a conversation between the son and their landlord, the son said, My wife and sister will never recover from their horror. After the conversation the creature gave up all hope of befriending the once, happy, joyous and caring family. The family left the cottage out of fright; meanwhile the creature was angry and very upset. He went back to the empty cottage and set the wooden building alight. He watched the cottage burn and He enjoyed it. Later on in the creatures life He found Victors diary which contained notes on how His creator abandoned Him. In the front of Victors diary it had His home address of Geneva written in it. The creature was determined that Victor would feel His wrath. He set of to Geneva to get revenge. On His arrival in Geneva, he saw a small boy walking on the same lane that He was on. The creature hid in the bushes and wandered whether he should He reveal Him self to the child. He thought that if the child being young would understand His condition. He decided to reveal Him self. He took hold of the small boys arm, He wanted to protect and look after Him. The child screamed, the creature told the boy His intentions, that He wanted to be friends. The boy kept on screaming, He cried out, Monster! Ugly wretch! You wish to eat me and tear me to pieces, youre an ogre, let me go or I will tell my Papa. My father is Mme Frankenstein. You belong to my sworn enemy, Victor Frankenstein. After all the upset He has caused me, I will give Him something to be upset about. With that the creature picked up the small boy William and throttled Him. The creature gained enormous pleasure over killing William, He had the taste for killing and He wanted revenge. The creature met with Frankenstein in the remote mountainous regions of Geneva, no one around to disturb them. The monster did not attack Victor, he wished to talk; the creature wanted Victor to create another being, a female one this time. Victor was served with an ultimatum, if he would recreate another being they would retire to South America or Victor would feel his wrath, fired by hatred, self-pity and desire for a mate. The creature does have a right to a mate, He will go away and not disturb any one ever again or He will destroy Victor if He does not. Victor has reason not to create a mate, She could be even worse, she has not promised to be good, the creature could hate it, they could come back or they might desolate the world. When Frankenstein was on His death bed, He said, Examining my past conduct, nor do I find it blameable. He feels it is not His fault about what has happened and He feels He had done nothing wrong. He knows He had responsibilities but He ignored them thinking the duties towards the beings of my own species were more important. Victor said He was right about not building a new creature. He says the first one went wrong and killed his friends and family, so He will not create a partner for the creature that killed them. He said it was evil and He had to kill it. The creature is very upset, He admits to killing Victor by leading Him to the icy lands. He asked for forgiveness but He knows it will not change anything. It said He had put up with more anguish than Victor ever had, He had to do it even though he didnt want to do it. When Victor was about to be cremated on the ice fields, the ice cracked up, the monster swam across and lit the pyre, and He stayed there next to Victor while He burned. I think that Victor Frankenstein was not evil, He was very confused and completely adsorbed in what he was doing, he was sure he was right, wanting to get rid of death, apart from a violent on. The creature was good in that he helped the family in the winter when food was scarce. However he did turn to evil was towards the end of the book after he failed with living with him self, destine to walk alone for the rest of his life. Another aspect for being evil was that he killed his creator; the man he gave him his pitiful life, and his family.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Dilemma: An Open Or Closed Pedagogy Essay -- Education Teaching Es

The Dilemma: An Open Or Closed Pedagogy With lifelong effects, teachers impact the quantity, quality, and overall enjoyment of the educational experience. Their effect dilutes itself the classroom, into present life, and even the future. In the classroom, they mold and guide youth in their lifelong quest to search for the truth and their own voice in the world. Yet their influence does not stop at the classroom door. In fact, teachers have a profound impact on morals, creativity, and even politics. "Teachers always have the power in the class," Christian Zawodniak discusses in , "I'll Have To Help More Of You Than I Want To." They hold the grades and students usually perceive them as holding the knowledge too (Zawodniak 124). But how should a teacher exercise this bestowed power? Is a forced learning environment more beneficial or is a cooperative pedagogy more productive? With diverse students and unique learning needs, it is difficult to identify one or the other as more advantageous. However, I will attempt to explore the benefits and disadvantages of both, as well as how they can be combined or compromised in a delicate balance. Although I will strive to stay neutral and merely present the options, I may also occasionally include my own personal experiences. Hopefully in a purely unbiased fashion. Donald Lazere, "Ground Rules For Polemicists," contends that all Teaching is political and that no human can do anything nonpolitical because we would have to get totally outside ourselves and divorce ourselves of all our interests (Lazere 663). If this statement is true, then teachers are hardly immune and a truly unbiased classroom cannot exist because personal beliefs or opinions are bound to surface soone... ... others. As well, where their own voice came from and how to develop it more intensely. Further, an ideal pedagogy provides alternative definitions of the truth, not merely the one students have been absorbed by all of their lives. I contend this combination or compromise as the ideal learning environment for the student. Works Cited Cheney, Lynne V. "PC: Alive and Entrenched." Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruszkiewicz, The Presence Of Others: Voices That Call For A Response. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1997. (112-123). Lazere, Donald. "Ground Work For Polemicists: The Case Of Lynne Cheney's Truths." College English 59 (1997): 661-685. Zawodniak, Christian. "Teacher Power, Student Pedagogy." Andrea A.Lunsford and John J.Ruszkiewicz, The Presence Of Others: Voices That Call For A Response. New York: St Martin's Press, 1997. (124-132).

Monday, November 11, 2019

Themes in Tale of Two Cities

?Throughout Charles Dickens Tale of Two cities, a few different themes can be easily spotted. The biggest prevailing theme in the book would have to be the 99% vs the 1% elite. This is when the poor oppressed people have had enough of the wealthy elite controlling them, and they ban together and rise up against it. In desperate times like revolution, you often find two or more unexpected partners, or allies. It is almost as if the revolution and uprising causes some bond between the people revolting, giving them extreme focus and teamwork.In normal circumstances, you might expect a woman like Madame’ Defarge to be a quiet mellow woman, but get her in a revolution and she turns in to a fiery death machine. Themes like these can still be spotted today, and most of the same rules apply. One example in the most is the revolution and rebellion in Syria. This is virtually a near exact modern example of something that Charles Dickens wrote in Tale of Two Cities 100 years ago. This pr oves the themes, and subplots found in his books are just as real today, as they were back then. Syrian people where being horribly mistreated, to the point of thousands dying.You could draw a parallel between Syria’s leader Assad and the Marquis in St. Antoine. Both these leaders oppressed the people, and did nothing to stop widespread poverty and hunger, while still pretending everything in the country is perfect. This makes it clear that evil leaders, and tyrants will always be the same; they are blind to the trouble they cause. Throughout the theme of social oppression, it also brings you to recognize the strong family links and ties within the book. It focuses strongly on the different links within the family, while the opposing family is trying hard to break that link.While we may not see families killing each other nowadays, some relevance to it can still be seen. One example is the strong link between Darnay and Lucie loving each other so dearly, while her dad is utte rly shocked she is married to a man that helped throw him in prison. Things like this are still found today, and it isn’t uncommon to hear about fights between in-laws. People still tend to hold grudges from the past and cause it to affect their opinions and decisions in the future, much like the theme in Tale of Two Cities.So all in all, it can be said there is definite evidence of themes Charles Dickens wrote about, in the modern world. The reason for this is that the mentality of people often doesn’t change much over time. A tyrant leader will always be a tyrant, and angry in-laws will always be angry in-laws. This is simply the human nature, and it likely won’t fade anytime too soon. While we might not go physically cutting people’s heads of, Charles Dickens theme of social injustice is very relevant today. Themes in Tale of Two Cities Throughout Charles Dickens Tale of Two cities, a few different themes can be easily spotted. The biggest prevailing theme in the book would have to be the 99% vs the 1% elite. This is when the poor oppressed people have had enough of the wealthy elite controlling them, and they ban together and rise up against it. In desperate times like revolution, you often find two or more unexpected partners, or allies. It is almost as if the revolution and uprising causes some bond between the people revolting, giving them extreme focus and teamwork.In normal circumstances, you might expect a woman like Madame’ Defarge to be a quiet mellow woman, but get her in a revolution and she turns in to a fiery death machine. Themes like these can still be spotted today, and most of the same rules apply. One example in the most is the revolution and rebellion in Syria. This is virtually a near exact modern example of something that Charles Dickens wrote in Tale of Two Cities 100 years ago. This pro ves the themes, and subplots found in his books are just as real today, as they were back then. Syrian people where being horribly mistreated, to the point of thousands dying.You could draw a parallel between Syria’s leader Assad and the Marquis in St. Antoine. Both these leaders oppressed the people, and did nothing to stop widespread poverty and hunger, while still pretending everything in the country is perfect. This makes it clear that evil leaders, and tyrants will always be the same; they are blind to the trouble they cause. Throughout the theme of social oppression, it also brings you to recognize the strong family links and ties within the book. It focuses strongly on the different links within the family, while the opposing family is trying hard to break that link.While we may not see families killing each other nowadays, some relevance to it can still be seen. One example is the strong link between Darnay and Lucie loving each other so dearly, while her dad is utter ly shocked she is married to a man that helped throw him in prison. Things like this are still found today, and it isn’t uncommon to hear about fights between in-laws. People still tend to hold grudges from the past and cause it to affect their opinions and decisions in the future, much like the theme in Tale of Two Cities.So all in all, it can be said there is definite evidence of themes Charles Dickens wrote about, in the modern world. The reason for this is that the mentality of people often doesn’t change much over time. A tyrant leader will always be a tyrant, and angry in-laws will always be angry in-laws. This is simply the human nature, and it likely won’t fade anytime too soon. While we might not go physically cutting people’s heads of, Charles Dickens theme of social injustice is very relevant today.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Barton Case Study Essay

After analyzing the case, the theories and concepts that relate are: 1. 1 Evidence-Based Management (EBM) theory uses the best available evidence for making managerial decisions. The basic problem that Karen Barton faces with Dave Palmer is that he focused only on the reports that contained mostly qualitative benefits from the programs and did not contain much quantitative benefits and accordingly made his decision of cutting the budget. Whereas Organizational Behavior (OB) states that a manager should use all the three approaches of intuition, faddism and systematic study together. It states the use of evidence to inform the intuition and experience. 1. 2 Dave palmer also faces Overconfidence and Availability Bias, as he believed too much in his ability to make good decision when it was outside of his own expertise. As he was convinced after the telephonic conversation with Barton that there was nothing more left to discuss even though the last-and the-only executive education program he attended was ages ago in 1980. He even emphasized on information that was most readily at hand and ignored the fact that in-house program if introduced, could reinforce Stockton’s three-pronged agenda and it would smoothen the integration process. 1. 3 Equity theory explains that employees indulge into comparisons of the ratios of their own outcomes and efforts with those of others to check whether they are treated more or less favorably. Similarly in the case Karen compared her executive education budget cut by more than 75% to training for lower-level employees by only 10% which made her feel under-compensated and less favorable and secondly when Freita pointed out that he had to demonstrate the bottom line impact for every budget cycle Karen pointed out that If he could spend money on equipment maintenance, modification and improvement, Why couldn’t she do the same for people. This inequity motivated her to attain her goal. 1. 4 â€Å"Adjustment function† of attitudes enables a person to bend according to a new situation and to conclude how to act in future so as to attain benefits from such situations in future. In the case we see Karen was disappointed, judgmental and aggressive initially but later on her attitude changed towards the situation and she started to be more practical and relaxed in her approach, as it was critical for her to get the best out of the case that she would put forward in front of Palmer. 1. 5 Attribution Theory in social perception is when we see others behavior we want to understand why people behave the way they do. Karen similarly wanted to understand how Palmer’s mind worked and so she scanned through Palmer’s bio to decide on how she should make her case to get him on her side so that he approves it. 2. HOW SHOULD BARTON MAKE HER CASE FOR EXECUTIVE EDUCATION? From Barton’s chat with Freitas and Palmer we can infer that palmer is a clear-headed person who believes in performance and evidence. We also get an idea from her conversation with Freitas that her ambitious budget may create an interdepartmental rivalry within the firm. Keeping all these points in mind Barton requires a presentation that demonstrates both the qualitative as well as quantitative advantages of the executive education program and answers why does Zendal need these programs the most when the firm is dealing with recession and a merger. Firstly she will have to convince Palmer that the executive education programs have come a long way since 1980’s and that the executive education programs are not the same that they used to be when he attended them. She may cite the example of Dreyer’s Grand Ice cream firm. This will obviously not convince her boss, but will help her in getting the needed attention and seriousness from Dave Palmer’s part. She should start her case by showing Palmer the studies that clearly demonstrate a link between executive education, performance in management and shareholders value. She must tie up executive education programs with the business drivers of the firm and explain how the programs will help the firm in achieving them fast. Then she should talk to Palmer about the kind of leaders he wants in his organization. ‘Are the leaders of Zendal better than its competitors? What is unique about Zendal’s leaders? The aim of this would be to try to make Palmer realize how an in house executive education program will help Zendal in creating leaders that are different and better than its competitors. Also, the managers of the firm need to formulate fresh strategies to deal with recession and since a new firm has been acquired, the new executives should be made familiar with the existing culture of Zendal as they may find it hard to adjust according to their culture, which would ultimately lead to an inefficient performance from their part. Both these problems can be solved with a single stroke of an in-house executive education program. She must also state in her meeting that the employees who would attend these programs will be closely monitored and it will be made sure that they use the acquired knowledge. For the quantitative part she may follow the following framework to calculate ROI, on which Dave Palmer has been insisting upon. Investment * Tuition * Salary * Cost of not being able to be not be on the job Add all these up and we will get total cost (per participant) Return * NPV of improved capability in 2 years * NPV of improved team skill in 2 years * NPV of improved ability to make judgment in 2 years. Add all these up and we will get total financial results of the project But to employ this type of framework, the project must be first approved. For the time being she can show him all the satisfaction reports that she has been getting filled from employees who attend a program and explain how she is careful about the company’s funds and discourages employees from attending programs that have been rated â€Å"poor† or â€Å"Below average† three times in a row. Lastly to get her funds approved she needs to assure Palmer that there will be no inter departmental rivalry within the organization due to release of huge funds from the upper management. For that, her HR unit must go and talk to each of the departmental heads and understand their problems and design the education program according to their needs. This will help in two ways, firstly this approach will not generalize the program and serve the firm better by being precise and secondly the conversation with departmental heads will make the heads understand that spending of this huge amount is for the good of their own departments, Thus also solving the problem of interdepartmental rivalry. 3. REFLECTION UPON OUR EXPERIENCES OF WORKING IN A GROUP: Working with this group was an enriching learning experience for all the group members. It brought some difficulty and stress, because group members had different views on the case study but with the help of discussions and mutual understanding we decided which view to go with for the report. This was also an advantage of working in a group since we got to know many diverse opinions. The group went through the various stages of formation of a group. In the ‘Form’ stage of the group, the members were Aarti Sharma, Arjun Kumar, Pallav Goel, Sakshi Dixit, Vishal Chaudhary, Vipul and Yamini Arora. During the ‘Storm’ stage, the entire process of working in our group was very systematic in order to avoid any chaos. For the commencement, Aarti called for a group meeting to discuss about the assignment and bring the group together. She invited all members by sending mails. It was then decided that each member would read the case study and analyze the problems of the case study. Sakshi gave the print outs to each group member three days before the group meeting. In the ‘Norm’ stage, the group meeting was held and each member shared their views on the case study, key points were figured out and accordingly work was divided among the members. The task of putting together the entire project was assigned to Pallav. The group then ‘performed’ their assigned duties and in the ‘adjourn’ stage, since this group was created for a one-time task, the group was then dispersed. The whole group describes: * Aarti as an enthusiastic, dedicated and encouraging group member. She was good at analyzing the problems, performed writing and made us work as a whole group together. * Arjun was serious towards the case study and gave every possible contribution to the assignment on his part. * Pallav as proficient and hardworking. He devoted all the required time for the project and helped to bring together the entire project. * Sakshi as a reliable group member who timely completed the assigned tasks and played a role in communication with various non-boarding group members. * Yamini as an active participant in the group meetings and played an important part in analyzing various OB theories and concepts. She also took part in writing the project. * Vipul as a responsible team member as in spite of being unwell, he was in contact with the group throughout and put in his share of work and participated whole heartedly. * Vishal was a part of analyzing the case. The group decided to not elect a leader but selected a coordinator in order to pass information to all group members. Each of us displayed leadership qualities in the group at various times. We influenced each other’s behavior, actions and encouraged each other to dedicate time on the assignment. . Each group member was committed to the group and made contributions according to his/her potential. All inclusive, It was a satisfying experience of working with this group because we worked as a team with planning and learnt to work without any personal prejudices. REFERENCES: * Kesner, I, Burnett, S, Morrison, M, Tichy, N, & Ownes, D 2003, ‘Leadership Development: Perk or Priority? ‘, Harvard Business Review, 81, 5, pp. 29-38, Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 20 October 2012. * Bolt, JF 1993, ‘Ten Years of Change in Executive Education’, Training & Development, 47, 8, p. 43, Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 20 October 2012. * Traindis, H. C. (1971),Attitudes and Attitude Change,John Wiley and Sons. * Eagly,A. ,and Chaiken,S. (1993),Psychology of Attitudes,NY,Harcourt and Brace Jovanovich.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Cutest Couple Quotes to Bring You Two Closer

Cutest Couple Quotes to Bring You Two Closer Couples in love have a penchant for public displays of affection. Their actions can draw stares, gaping mouths, and in some cases, police intervention. Yet you have to admit that these cute couples, who are oblivious in love, teach the world a thing or two about nurturing relationships. Read these cute couple quotes, laced with humor and wit. Brendan Francis A man is already halfway in love with any woman who listens to him. Kermit the Frog Maybe you don’t need the whole world to love you, you know, maybe you just need one person. Cher The trouble with some women is that they get all excited about nothing- and then marry him. Henny Youngman Those two are a fastidious couple. Shes fast and hes hideous. Jean Rostand A married couple are well suited when both partners usually feel the need for a quarrel at the same time. Adrian Morass I meet so many people I know and they all say my name and smile at me with kindness. But none of that can compare to the feeling I get when you flash that sunny bright smile at me and cutely say my name. Aphra Behn Each moment of a happy lovers hour is worth an age of dull and common life. Bil Keane A hug is like a boomerang: you get it back right away. Gretchen Kemp See theres this place in me where your fingerprints still rest, your kisses still linger, and your whispers softly echo. Its the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me. Katherine Mansfield Some couples go over their budgets very carefully every month. Others just go over them. Sean Warfare It is almost impossible to love without trusting. I remember the first time you said you trust me and then I knew that love will eventually find its way in our hearts. Sara Evans I know my heart will never be the same. But Im telling myself Ill be okay. Sarah Dessen, Along for the Ride Relationships dont always make sense. Especially from the outside. Phyllis Diller Ive been asked to say a couple of words about my husband, Fang. How about short and cheap? Octavio Paz If we are a metaphor of the universe, the human couple is the metaphor par excellence, the point of intersection of all forces and the seed of all forms. The couple is time recaptured, the return to the time before time. Nathan Tweed Out of all the things that I do all day, telling you that I love you is the sweetest thing I do. It is my favorite part of the day because you deserve all the love I can give. Florence King American couples have gone to such lengths to avoid the interference of in-laws that they have to pay marriage counselors to interfere between them. Tahereh Mafi, ​Shatter Me Im oxygen and hes dying to breathe. Woody Allen Love is the answer, but while youre waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty interesting questions. Vernon Straights I feel very confident that we will make it through. Though we fight a lot I know that we will be together. Jacqueline Bisset Ideally, couples need three lives; one for him, one for her, and one for them together. Neil Simon Take care of him. And make him feel important. And if you can do that, youll have a happy and wonderful marriage. Like two out of every ten couples. John Whiting Unmarried couples should get married- thats an excellent tax avoidance measure, if a bit drastic. Earl Wilson This would be a much better world if more married couples were as deeply in love as they are in debt. Tam Ross Its funny how time flies by. We met, we dated, got engaged and now are getting married. Its so fast. Paula Gosling They shared the chores of living as some couples do- she did most of the work and he appreciated it. Homer Simpson Tell him Im going to the back seat of my car with the woman I love, and I wont be back for ten minutes! Sydney Smith Married couples resemble a pair of scissors, often moving in opposite directions, yet punishing anyone who gets in between them. Greek Proverb A heart that loves is always young. Denis MacShane We do seem to bicker and bicker. Sometimes I feel were like an old married couple, who think occasionally of murdering each other- but never of divorce. Willie Nelson Im drinking doubles now that youre running around single again.

Monday, November 4, 2019

How did race influence the positions of first-wave feminists Essay - 1

How did race influence the positions of first-wave feminists - Essay Example The agenda of feminist activists included such aspirations as equality with men in the fields of â€Å"education, professional careers, and culture; married women’s economic and legal dependence; sexual and moral double standards; women’s lack of control over their bodies; the drudgery of housework; low wages; and not least, women’s exclusion from politics† (LeGates, p.203). It is quite obvious that disparities between racial and ethnic communities do not feature in this list. This suggests that while racial minorities continuously strived for emancipation during this period, their struggles were recorded independent of the women’s movement. This apparent inconsistency is reflected in the fact that the leading activists of the first-wave feminist movement were largely white women of middle-class socio-economic background. A closer scrutiny of the movement betrays a double standard on part of the reformers, who, it seemed, â€Å"were content to accept the restraints of race and class as natural and inevitable†.(LeGates, p.197) The issue of race was more pronounced in North America compared to Europe. At the time of first-wave feminism, North America was largely inhabited by Caucasians who emigrated from Western European nations in the preceding two centuries. The leaders of feminist movement saw new immigrants from diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds as a threat to their own position of relative privilege. They were only too willing to perpetrate the racial prejudices and discriminatory practices of their male compatriots. As LeGates points out, â€Å"They used statistics to prove the numerical superiority of n ative-born Anglo-European women in the population, contending that the enfranchisement of all women would offset the foreign vote†. (LeGates, 257) The epitome of such attitudes is captured in the following sentiment expressed by Canadian feminist Margaret McAlpine, who advised the prime minister in 1911 that â€Å"Canadian

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Expert advice on being a successful student Essay

Expert advice on being a successful student - Essay Example However, the university experience is not all about study and academics, it is also about finding a proper social fit with unique peers from many different cultures and social backgrounds. Being a successful student is about being able to successfully blend social, recreational, and study in a way that is rewarding, careful, and mature. To see the best ways to gain this necessary balance, I decided it would be wise to interview two experts that are quite familiar with the academic demands required at the University of Indianapolis and its many social systems. To find out this expert advice, I conducted interviews with Jessica Bramstedt, a senior biology student at the university and biology Professor Mary Gobbett. The results of the interview will discuss study habits, recreation, and how to balance free time at the university. The expert opinion about the university experience and social rewards at the University of Indianapolis will be compared and contrasted to determine the best advice available to be a successful student. Avoiding being overwhelmed is highly important for the student in a new environment. It is important to find out what qualities a student should have in the university. In relation to study, both Jessica Bramstedt and Professor Gobbett provided valuable information about the qualities a student should carry in the classroom. ... Both Jessica Bramstedt and Professor Gobbett found one of the most critical imperatives to be the creation of a time control system that allows for much time devoted to academics. This might include making personal schedules that show daily and weekly activities that allows the student to stick to homework completion timelines with ample time for study care. It was discovered that removing distractions was highly important. Both of the interview respondents identified that the student needed to maintain a great deal of study. These are periods where the student removes distractions from their environment and focuses on the course content in journals, textbooks and lecture materials. Jessica suggested that I would gain more success by reading the textbook chapters and making sure all assignments have been completed. Professor Gobbett, the expert in actual teaching, suggested that such study should involve a large focus on problem-solving in study habits. Clearly, the University of Ind ianapolis will require devotion and concentration toward study if the student wishes to become a success. To gain even more knowledge about study, I asked about success factors to help in study. In contrasting view, the interviewees had differing views about one key role of the learning portion of the university experience. Professor Gobbett suggested that a great deal of success would come from being interactive with the lecturer by asking many questions and to â€Å"pay attention to the hints provided by the professor† related to the quality and depth of what is being discussed to improve learning. Jessica Bramstedt seemed to see the learning process as being more self-managed, suggesting that there