Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Triad Of Impairments In Asd Psychology Essay

The Triad Of Impairments In Asd Psychology Essay Having aspirations to become an educational psychologist, I have always held a strong interest in clinical conditions such as Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and how they can affect a persons behaviours. This interest has been further fuelled by my nephew having been recently diagnosed with high functioning ASD. Whilst I am familiar with the behavioural aspects of this disorder I lack knowledge on the neurological explanations. I wish to change this to increase my understanding of ASD in order to be better equipped to offer my nephew and others with ASD the best possible support. Introduction The complexity of Autistic Spectrum Disorders is partially due to the fact that, until recently, there were no clear biological functions which corresponded with the syndrome. Scientific developments in brain imaging in recent years, however, have enabled psychologists to begin to research ASD from a neurological perspective, meaning that the symptoms of ASD are beginning to be understood more clearly as an expression of a neural disorder (Just et al, 2012). According to the DSM-IV a person can be diagnosed with ASD when they exhibit symptoms under the following three primary criteria: Qualitative impairment in social interaction Qualitative impairment in communication Restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behaviour, interests and activities. The above symptoms are often referred to as a triad of impairments. However, in the proposed DSM-V there is the possibility that the social and communication impairments will be combined and that in the future the definition will form a dyad of impairments instead (Pina-Camacho et al, 2011) . At the time of writing, however, a triad of impairments still exists. This essay is focusing not on the general differences between the brains of typically developing (TD) humans and humans with ASD, but on the neurological explanations for the most prominent behavioural symptoms of ASD. Accordingly the triad of impairments will be taken, one by one, and possible neurological explanations will be explored. Qualitative impairment in social interaction Much of the neurological research on ASD focuses on this impairment following the pattern of behavioural research on ASD. Indeed, one of the most prominent theories of ASD, the Theory of Mind (Baron-Cohen, 1985), focuses almost entirely on the social deficits, arguing that people with ASD struggle with mentalising; they lack social insight and are unable to perceive the world from another persons viewpoint. From a neurological standing, however, it is not enough to assume that people with ASD do not have a Theory of Mind; instead, we must understand biologically why this may be so. Brothers (1990) conducted a variety of studies, both with humans and other primates, and proposed that primates alone have social cognition they are able to perceive psychological facts about others. Through the examination of evolutionary studies, as well as the study of clinical conditions which can affect social cognition, Brothers proposed a neural network of regions in the brain, which, combined create the social brain: Superior temporal sulcus (STS) plays an important role in social perception and is implicated in the processing of many types of sensory information which are relevant to social interaction, e.g. selective sensitivity to vocal and speech sounds rather than to non-vocal sounds and the processing of the motions of hands, face, eyes, and body, especially if the motions relate to emotion in some way (Neuhaus et al, 2010). Fusiform gyrus (FG) region is thought to display a selective response to human faces and is often referred to as the fusiform face area (FFA) (Neuhaus et al, 2010). Prefrontal cortex (PFC) a subdivision of the PFC is the ventromedial PFC, a region including the orbital frontal cortex and the ventral part of the anterior cingulate cortex areas implicated in motivation, reward, and emotion processing, and planning for the future. This region also has extensive connections with the amygdala (Neuhaus et al, 2010). Amygdala involved in processing emotions, empathy, perspective taking and social judgements (Neuhaus et al, 2010). Figure A A diagram of the regions of the brain thought to comprise the social brain. Data retrieved from: It seems highly probable that damage to a region in the social brain is likely to cause some visible social deficit. Thus, ASD may be explained, to a certain extent, through abnormalities in these regions when compared to TD humans. Various studies support this idea; the amygdala theory of autism, for example, proposes that there is an amygdala impairment in people with autism, which can help to explain the deficits in their social behaviour (Baron-Cohen, 2000). Given that the amygdala is strongly associated with emotion along with other social functions, irregularity in this region could well contribute to the lack of social insight so often noted in people with ASD. In an earlier study, Baron-Cohen et al (1999) conducted an fMRI study comparing TD subjects with patients with high-functioning ASD or Asperger Syndrome (AS) on a mentalising task whereby participants were asked to judge from a photograph of another persons eyes what emotion that person was feeling. They found that when TD participants were attributing emotional states to the photographs, there was increased activation in their STGs and amygdalas areas associated with social perception and emotion. The ASD and AS group, however, did not show increased activation in the amygdala. Other research suggested that as well as decreased amygdala activity, people with ASD tend to process faces differently to TD people, using the right inferior temporal gyri (ITG) an area more commonly associated with processing objects, rather than the FFA (Schultz et al, 2000). Research by Pierce et al (2001) also found that there was either weak or no activity in the FFA and the amygdala in response to the human face in autistic patients but found no evidence to suggest that they used the ITG as an alternative. The differences in the results of Pierce and Schultz may be due to their samples, with Schultz using a sample including participants with autism and AS and Pierce using a sample only of participants with autism. Caution is urged when placing too much emphasis on the FGs association with faces as previous research has suggested that this region may not be face specific but may be activated when objects increase in familiarity (Gauthier et al, 1999). Fletcher et al (1995) used PET scans to compare brain activity in normal volunteers when reading Theory of Mind stories, physical stories and unlinked sentences. When activity during the Theory of Mind stories was compared with the others, the authors discovered significant activation in the left side of the medial frontal gyrus and in the posterior cingulate cortex regions in the prefrontal cortex suggesting that these regions are specifically activated when a person is mentalising. Furthermore, Castelli et al (2002) used PET scans on ten able adults with ASD or Asperger Syndrome (AS) whilst they watched a variety of animated sequences, and were asked to attribute mental states to the animations based upon what they had seen. The TD group showed increased activation in their medial prefrontal cortex, superior temporal sulcus and temporal poles, areas associated with social cognition, as described above. The autism group, however, showed less activation than the normal group in all of these regions. Qualitative impairments in communication Symptoms in this impairment range from a total lack of development of spoken language, to a person having adequate speech but being unable to use it in conversation with others, to stereotyped and repetitive use of language (DSM-IV) making it difficult to explain the impairment as a whole. There is also less literature in general on trying to explain the communication deficit in ASD than there is on trying to explain the social deficit. This may be because aspects of the communication deficit are not applicable to people with AS or high-functioning ASD whereas the social deficit is central to all ASDs. Within the left hemisphere of the brain are two areas that govern the understanding and production of speech: Brocas area and Wernickes area. Brocas area is in the frontal lobe and is primarily involved in the production of speech; Wernickes area is in the temporal lobe and is mainly involved with speech comprehension (Passer et al, 2009). Also in the left hemisphere of the brain is the primary auditory cortex an area associated with hearing and thus also largely involved in language production and comprehension (Passer et al, 2009). One possible explanation for a lack of language development is therefore likely to involve damage or irregularities in the left hemisphere of the brain and more specifically in the above areas. Boddaert et al (2004) used PET scans to compare the brain activity of eleven autistic children with six non-autistic mentally retarded children while they were listening to speech-like sounds. They found that there was less activation in speech-related areas, including Wernickes area, in autistic children. In previous work with autistic adults (Boddaert et al, 2004) they had found abnormal right frontotemporal activity but this was not found with the children. Research by Eyler et al (2012) measured the brain activity of forty toddlers with ASD and 40 TD toddlers during the presentation of a bedtime story. Their results showed that a region of the left STG, an area which includes both Brocas and Wernickes area, was significantly less responsive to speech stimuli in the group with ASD than in t he TD group. The TD toddlers showed dominance in the left hemisphere of the brain, as one might expect, given the association between the left hemisphere and language. Contrary to the Boddaert et al study, Eyler et al did find that toddlers with ASD however displayed stronger activation on the right anterior portion of the STG rather than the left. The differences in the results of the groups may be that the sample in the Boddaert et al study was significantly smaller than the sample used by Eyler et al, with only 11 autistic participants compared to 40. Eyler et al propose that the right STG may be trying to compensate for the incompetent processing of the left STG but that by doing so the development of social communication and language abilities is being lost, thus providing an explanation for not only language delay but also ineffective communication in people with ASD. Restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behaviour, interest and activities There are very few neurological studies focusing on this aspect of ASD. An fMRI study by Shafritz et al (2008) on repetitive behaviour in ASD showed that the severity of restricted, repetitive behaviours was negatively correlated with activation in anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and posterior parietal regions areas associated with attention, motivation and error detection (Neuhaus et al. 2010). Research by Thakkar et al (2008) supports this finding. Through an experiment on response monitoring they found functional and structural abnormalities in the ACC in ASD participants and suggested that this may cause rigid and repetitive, rather than responsive and flexible behaviour. As the cerebellum is concerned primarily with muscular movement co-ordination but also plays a role in learning and memory (Passer et al, 2009), Pierce and Courchesne (2001) examined the possibility of a link between cerebellar abnormality and exploration in autism. They held an experiment where 14 autistic chi ldren and 14 TD children were in a large room with several exploration containers and encouraged to play. The results showed that children with autism spent significantly less time in active exploration and were more likely to engage in repetitive movements than TD children. They found that the more abnormal the cerebellar vermis, an area in the medial cerebellum (Passer et al, 2009) the less time spent in exploring a new environment. Conclusion Much more literature exists examining the neurological explanations of social impairments in ASD than in the other two impairments. A vast amount of evidence exists associating the social deficits in ASD with irregularities in various regions of the social brain; the superior temporal sulcus, the fusiform gyrus, the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala. A lack of activity in the left hemisphere of the brain is likely to contribute to the communication impairment visible in AS. There is very little literature on the restricted behaviour impairment but recent work has proposed a possible association between cerebellar abnormality and exploration and between the ACC and repetitive behaviour. Further work is needed in all three areas ideally work could be conducted that could help to explain all three impairments rather than focusing on a single one.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Supply and Demand and Economist View Prostitution

As we live in 21st century prostitution has been like an everyday good a market can offer. Economist view prostitution as performing a business activity. However, the problem is still around. The demand for prostitution is continually growing. What still surprises the people is that not only the homeless and starving people choose this path as a career but also young generation do as well. In some countries there are underage children that have been kidnapped or have been lost and found by people and force them into prostitution.Parents concern is that why do their children have to grow up with opinion about prostitution as a source of receiving money to survive in this world. It has turned out to be one of the most important trades in the world. Several poor countries are forced into prostitution or have no choice of other jobs turn to prostitution as a support during their economic difficulties. When a person thinks they don’t have enough education and knowledge to get a job , he or she will think of prostitution, which is easier to join the labour force. People view prostitution as a simple way to make money.Although it does leave a negative look for the society but in fact it has been recognized as popular â€Å"job† for many people, which is in fact cannot be ignored by others. People usually believe that it’s mostly woman in the prostitution market but when in reality, men are the ones that are considered to be the more important part of the high demand. Prostitution is when an individual offers to have sex and get a wage for it. When they exchange money for sexual service. Prostitution business revolves around performing sex by the opposite gender.Opportunity cost of woman choosing prostitution is marriage. In reality a woman cannot be a wife and a prostitute at the same time. By choosing that as a career they are making a rational choice by deciding that prostitution is better off for them than other jobs and also forgone marriage li fe. Even though prostitution has been increasing in popularity there is a certain restriction that needs to meet the society’s moral. Prostitutes can’t get any support from publicity and it has to be performed in a certain place.Now a day’s prostitution is considered more of a profession, just like a doctor, police office, and many others. When prostitution is considered as a profession this means they become a taxpayer like the rest of the professionals out there. Having a legal status for prostitution, the government has a benefit out this; reason being more income means more taxing paying which would go to the government at the end of the day. This makes us view prostitution as a business activity. When the service or task has been done you get cash in return, where it becomes systematic income.Even though prostitution does contribute income and high demand, but choosing prostitution as a career is irrational. According to Dr. John Lowman stated â€Å"prosti tution is considered as a potential source of renewing the budge of Canada. But there are also other reasons for not becoming a prostitute except the tax-pension side of the issue†. Another problem is the risk that is associated with being in the prostitution business. They can spread venereal diseases because they don’t do a proper medical checkup. This places the prostitution as a risk or danger occupation, and choosing a high-risk occupation is irrational.There has been a study stating that pimps play a big role in prostitution business. Pimps pay a higher rate to prostitutes compared to a prostitute that doesn’t have a pimp. It has also been noticed that if a prostitute has a pimp they would be getting paid more but would have less work at the same time. This is possible because of the most in-demand workers. These prostitutes roughly make four times compared to other work forces. Even though they get to see more money than other workers out there they still miss out some critical benefits others has that they don’t get.That is the risk associated with this job, some common known risks are STD and there are many health issues that occur in this particular job. Some might get assaulted; research has shown to be at least once a month a sex worker is assaulted on average. Which shows to be it isn’t one of the safest ways to make money. Prostitutes also face issues from police office from being arrested. By legalizing prostitution, prostitutes would be forced to drop their price. Since its legal many people would want to join that market which means more competition.This doesn’t give them another choice but to lower their prices. One of the main tools for a market is competition. If the competition is lower in the market then there is a low opportunity of the client to choose others. If she doesn’t give the client provide more for less money, he might find some other prostitute that will. Economists indicated tha t prostitution is a monopolistic market with a downward sloping demand curve. If they can sell one more unit of their good at the same price of the last one, which means they can optimize their price.Supply and demand plays a key role when it comes to prostitution because of the high volume of demand for sexual service and demand is what supplies woman pushes becomes the demand and men become the supply. Men buy by paying cash and women sell themselves for cash. Prostitution has an earning that is massive that they don’t have to turn to any other additional financing for budgeting. The reason for prostitution increase and growth in a large scale compared to previous years has to do with tourists that are seeking sexual services.As we know prostitution is that woman sell and men buy but economists stated that prostitution most likely will lose clients when men’s income increases. Needs and wants for prostitutes are men and money, but they share a competition when it com es to men. Especially to married men, they’re competing with the married men’s wives in order for them to make an earning. One advantage that wives have that gives them a step higher then prostitute is the fact they can produce children, which can only come from the father.When men’s income starts to increase they tend to have superior good by nature and they choose to buy the cheaper good. Logically to reduce prostitution, if women’s income and opportunity are great you can see less prostitution in that particular place. If that doesn’t work, increasing both men and women have an increase in income will have better results. Prostitution has been decreased in recent years. In conclusion in today’s society prostitution is no shocker. It can be found roughly every corner of the street and mainly in major cities.Many people choose to go into prostitution of money problem to support them selves or family. This is one of the professions that make enormous money with little to none budgeting required and doesn’t need any additional financing help. The profit of prostitution is really benefitting to the government, since it has been legalized the income they make some percentage is paid tax to government. Prostitution has a market behind which means more cash flow, in return more tax payable to the government. There are some down side to being a prostitution that needs to be revealed.Even though prostitution is considered to be a business and also considered as a professional, there are some key elements that are missing. First being there is no medical coverage so if they affected with any disease and need treatment or any other medical related issues, they would have to pay out of their own pocket. Second being there is no social security even though you are paying tax. If the sex workers were given the opportunity to get some education or find a decent salary they would have never considered prostitution as a job. R eference â€Å"Economics and prostitution Sample essay: free Example of Argumentative essay. Custom Essay Writing $9. 95/page | Custom-Essays. org. N. p. , n. d. Web. 12 Nov. 2012. . Europe, society. In medieval, England, and prostitutes were k†¦. â€Å"Papers — Pro Legalization of Prostitution. † Free Essays, Term Papers, Research Paper, and Book Report. N. p. , n. d. Web. 12 Nov. 2012. . Giusta, Marina Della . â€Å"Who is watching? The market for prostitution services. † SpringerLink – electronic journals, protocols and books.. N. p. , 6 Apr. 2007. Web. 2 Nov. 2012. . Economy and Prostitution. Anti Essays. Retrieved November 11, 2012, from the World Wide Web: http://www. antiessays. com/free-essays/341579. html â€Å"Page 2: Who's Counting: Sexonomics — Prostitutes' Incomes – ABC News. † ABCNews. com – Breaking News, Latest News & Top Video News – ABC News. N. p. , 7 May 2006. Web. 12 Nov. 2012. . Clark-Flory, T racy. † The economics of prostitution – Salon. com. † Salon. com. N. p. 18 Jan. 2008. Web. 12 Nov. 2012. . Frondizi, Alexandre , and Simon porcher. â€Å"Informal Urban Economy: a Historical Approach of Paris Street-level Prostitution. † Informal Urban Economy: a Historical Approach of Paris Street-level Prostitution. N. p. , n. d. Web. 12 Nov. 2012. . Clarke, D. A. â€Å"Prostitution for Everyone: feminism, globalisation, and the â€Å"sex† industry. † Prostitution for Everyone: feminism, globalisation, and the â€Å"sex† industry. N. p. , n. d. Web. 12 Nov.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Drug Addiction in Bangladesh - 4730 Words

Drug addiction is not a recent problem in Bangladesh. But it has been rising. In recent years Drug Addiction has significantly increased in Bangladesh. This agent of human devastation has spread its tentacles worldwide and also in our country. Every intelligent and humane person in the world society and international organizations such as the UN and WHO are alarmed by the present rate of addiction. Nowadays nearly ten per cent of outpatients in our hospitals are cases of drug addiction involving heroin, ganja and phensidyl. These are generally youths and young men between 15-30 years of age and come from all strata of the society. But there are adolescents below 15 years of age and men and women over 30. Hospital surveys show that average†¦show more content†¦They need much more money for it and sometimes they turn against the law. Many discontinue their education after failing to concentrate on any kind of discipline. They forget social protocol, always remain bad tempered and feel they are always in the right. They do not want to hear any advice and count themselves as very aware and competent. Sometimes they feel frustrated and even lose the will to live. e) Decaying stage: After mature stage most of the abusers stay on the verge of decaying. It means gradually their lives crumble. They can realize, how imbalanced they are. They lose taste for food. At this stage they become fully dependent on drug, gradually after a few hours they have to take it, otherwise their body system stops. In that situation the abuser loses human characteristics and behaves like a monster. They have no sense to evaluate good or bad, to enjoy anything, they lose interest in normal male/female yeamings. And finally one day they fully surrender to drugs, which lead them to their graves. CATAGORIES OF DRUGS: Drugs are separated into two categories – Soft drugs: 1. Alcohol; 2. Cigarettes; 3. Marijuana; 4. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Financial Problems Faced Essay Example Pdf - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1312 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? The business has been significantly evolved over the years. A business has different option to grow either it grow nationally or globally. There was a time when businesses were run domestically, entrepreneurs mostly concentrates on handling day to day business. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Financial Problems Faced Essay Example Pdf" essay for you Create order Then owners find the need of expansion and start looking into different ways of business expansion. These methods includes move from domestic to other market, franchising, diversification (horizontal or Vertical), partnership, forming alliance, merger, acquisition or expand globally to capture new market and expand its share. There is always been trade off in selection of appropriate growth strategy. The fastest way to become a global player is to go online. The charisma of internet has changed the way of doing business. Business development brings significant growth into the organisation. Over the last two decades business has shown significant interest in foreign direct investment. Foreign direct investment can be defined as investment is made outside of country into an overseas country to secure new opportunities of growth and to improve the efficiency of operations. BSKYB is looking for investment in Pakistan and that could bring a number of benefits for both countries. It bri ngs fresh capital into the Pakistan, will improve balance of payments, growth in economy and many associated benefits such as increased employment, introduction of technology, competitive advantage and enjoy benefits of tax heaven of developing countries. There are some internal factors that trigger FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT such as home country economic condition, saturation of market demand, high production cost, fiscal and monitory policy. Foreign investment in Pakistan has been increased over the years. The primary benefit to the BSKYB is differentiation from national companies. The reasons to invest in Pakistan also include the current structure of national industry, demand, knowledge, productivity, growth, profit and economy of scale, tax benefits and Government grants and subsidies. Pakistan will receive benefits of foreign investment, reduction in unemployment, quality products, new technology, and tax; improve economy and improvement in balance of payments. A foreign invest ment improves the productivity and competition in overseas country and set new standards of doing business. INVESTMENTImpactsonTanzaniaEconomicDevelopment.pdf BSKYB must consider the fact that level of growth in income, prevailing market, technological or financial requirements. A detail analysis of market condition is very much necessary before investing into Pakistan. According to a study was taken by Government in 2006, there are more than 46.4 million cellular users in Pakistan, WLL Subscriber are 1.42 million, fixed telephone users were 5.1 million. There is still very much potential for growth in Pakistan. Incentives provided by Pakistan to attract FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT Pakistan government has taken a number of measures to attract foreign direct investment. Which are tax relief, the FYA will be set off against the assessed statutory income of the company, liberal investment policy, liberal foreign exchange, and skilled labour, no restriction on royalty payment, import duty and less expensive land and building. In recent times government of any country pays specific attention to tax relieves, relaxing import duties and providing tax heavens to attract and retain foreign investments. Deterioration of FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT in Pakistan Law and order situation in Pakistan has tremendously affected by terrorist activities and war against terrorism. From July to September 2009 the FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT has fallen by 29%. Investors are hesitant to invest in Pakistan due to security concern. Local investors in Pakistan also moving their businesses to Bangladesh, India and Singapore. Although Pakistan government has taken different measures to attract foreign direct investment. There is still 10billion dollars projects are available in Pakistan. (article by Imran ali Khudi 10/10/09) DIRECT INVESTMENT-down-by-29pc-in-three-months Pakistan is facing serious problems regarding foreign investment which is result of imbalance payments, law and order situation, political instability and economic downturn, slow GDP and high unemployment. Hence Pakistan is struggling at every step towards growth. The major concern f or any investor is capital structure of host country that is significantly affected by the host country borrowing rate and funding availability to the investor. The shareholder of BSKYB will require higher return in investing in Pakistan. As Pakistan is facing serious crises in terms of basic infrastructure for any business. The cost of capital rise as result of high risk. There is always a question that why company pursue to invest in international market. There are many factors that attract foreign direct investment. In 2005-2006, Pakistan received $1.8 billion and in which telecom sector received $1824 million FDI. Mode of Entry BSKYB will also have to assess mode of entry available into Pakistan. As every mode to enter into foreign market has considerable impact on BSKYB long term strategy. The choices available to BSKYB to enter into Pakistan market are Joint venture, licensing and direct investment. The selection of method depend on capital, level of risk, market condition, and socio-economic factor, legal and political condition of Pakistan market. BSKYB has to perform a detail analysis to invest in Pakistan and should alternative options. BSKYB can look into investing in Europe. But the recent economic recession has seriously affected the European economic conditions and put them on the edge of solvency. BSKYB is also facing serious problems in UK as demand has fallen dramatically over th e couple of years. Research Questionnaire What is foreign direct investment? Evaluation of foreign direct investment strategic fit with BSKYB long term strategy? Critically appraisal foreign direct investment in Pakistan? Evaluate the capital structure used by BSKYB and ways to obtain long term debts? Explain initial cost require by BSKYB to operate in Pakistan? Explain the foreign direct investment requirements? Explain the cost/benefit analysis of foreign direct investment in Pakistan? Discuss the risk factors involve in foreign direct investment in Pakistan to BSKYB? Explain foreign direct investment macro-micro environmental effect on Pakistan? Explain, assess and select mode of entry use by BSKYB? Explain different barriers involve in foreign direct investment to BSKYB? Explain social-environmental impact on marketing strategy? Explain social-environmental impact on HR policy? Evaluate strategic choices available to BSKYB to operate in Pakistan? (Merger/Acquisition) organic growth and growth by acquisition. Perform BSKYB Stakeholder analysis? Research Objectives To critically assess the fdi development To Evaluate and analyse the BSKYB long term strategy align with foreign direct investment in Pakistan To evaluate different methods use to appraisal financial investment. To critically evaluate and assess different types financing method in Pakistan. To Critically evaluation of capital requirement, operational cost and BSKYB required rate of return. To asses and analyse level of investment required by BSKYB. To critically analyse the benefits of fdi to BSKYB. To critically evaluate financial, operational and strategic risk to BSKYB in fdi in Pakistan. To evaluate the political, economic, legal, environmental, legal etc impacts face by BSKYB to invest in Pakistan. To critically analyse and asses mode on entry and its cost/benefit to BSKYB. To asses internal and external barriers involves in fdi in Pakistan. To analyse overseas impact on BSKYB marketing strategy. To analyse problems in recruitment, training and development and establishing human resource strategy. To critically evaluate different growth options available to BSKYB in Pakistan and analyse organic growth and growth by acquisition. To analyse the shareholders, employees, government etc influence and interest in fdi in Pakistan. Aims and Objectives The objective of this research is to Perform pestel analysis of Pakistan, Assessment of comparative advantage and absolute advantage to bsb. Assessment of financial problems faced by bsb. Strategic objectives Operational objectives